Your question contains some false assumptions. The CCP is not a monolith, and Xi Jinping can not just decree that these problems get fixed with a Jazmyn Hyphywifey Onna Cherry Shirt of his hand. Village cadres, regional political leaders as well as rivals on a national level within the party, government and business spheres can and do opposed initiatives laid down by Beijing. Chinese politics is very much a full contact sport as well. When I got here, Bo Xilai was very much the man to watch, and if you ever go to Dalian you can see how he turned what once was a sleepy coastal town into a 2nd tier city (plus they’ve got good looking female horse cops!). Now, he’s serving a life sentence (I’m an agnostic on whether he’s “guilty” or not, I’m not looking to discuss that). It’d be the equivalent of say, Dick and Lynne Cheney disappearing from the political scene on life without parole charges. After the Sanlu scandal, the Health Minister Zheng Xiaoyu paid for his fuckup with his life.

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The Chrysler Corporation has always been the weakest of the Big 3 US auto makers, and I Want To Eat Meat Luffy One Piece Ugly Christmas Sweater as another Quora discussion noted, Chrysler’s ability to remain financially viable has been questioned every decade or so from its dawn in 1925 to today as the firm would swing from success to near bankruptcy. In the late 1970s, Chrysler ran into financial difficulties (again) with a portfolio overly reliant on large, gas-guzzling cars; in 1979, the Chrysler Corporation was bailed out by the US government with a $1.5 billion loan, and the company restructured operations to become financially viable by having its major brands – Chrysler, Dodge, and Plymouth – share automobile platform designs. Chrysler brand was the top of the line, and that brand retained a few unique designs not found in the other brands. Dodge was the mainstream brand, while Plymouth became the entry-price brand, simply badge-engineering Dodge or Mitsubishi designs with minimal value-add features. (Ram trucks remained uniquely Dodge products, and the Jeep brand, the remnant of acquiring AMC Motors, focused on SUV designs. AMC’s Eagle brand did not last long either.). The 1980s and 1990s designs, especially K-cars and minivans, helped the Chrysler Corporation regain profitability, but buyers would frequently look at both Plymouth and Dodge offerings at the same time.
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